Check logs and metrics in a sec after incident happens
It’s like a PagerDuty— but it gathers relavant logs/metrics, analyzes root cause with AI, and performs action for you.

First 15 minutes after an incident are total mess for on-call engineers.
You wake up at 4am from a PagerDuty phone call.
You log into AWS and check the logs in CloudWatch, or Grafana to check the metrics to know what’s going on.
Search Slack for similiar cases, and so on...
Reduce your 15 minutes into seconds
It’s a copilot that helps you investigate for the root cause of the alert.
Respond Slack alerts with relevant evidences
Similar Incidents

Identifies the root cause with AI
Using AI to analyze your code, incidents, and evidence to pinpoint the root cause of the issues.

Take immediate action via Slack or phone call
Even you’re not with your laptop, let Catch do the infra-level action for you.
- Check the CPU utilization on the prod DB
- Scale purchase-service HPA from 4 to 8
- Disable feature flag: new-commerce-home

Secure and fail-safe
as a native
You can run Catch on your own infrastructure.
AI fail-safe
Even if the AI is down, it will still send alerts and gather evidence.